Monday, February 20, 2017


It has been a little while since my last post, but I have been getting a little time in at the machine! One of the online groups I participate in is doing a long term swap. Blocks are not due until early September but we all know how unexpected things crop up so I am trying to get a good start on those blocks. There are 13 of us playing and the blocks are 9 1/2 inches unfinished to 26 blocks! Our theme is summer and we are using  The Kitchen Woodbox from Quilter's Cache. Such a great go to site for inspiration!
                                                        I have more in the works.

                                                 It is pretty much Spring here in Central Texas. The weather proved that early this morning with some severe thunderstorms. We got to watch quite a lightening  show to the East of us  shortly after midnight. The Texas Laurel is coming into full bloom and my fern is back outside. Actually only had it inside for one weekend the beginning of January!  My Meyer Lemon is also in bloom.

About 2 Saturdays ago we took off and drove out to the Wildseed Farm near Fredersicksburg. We take back roads when ever possible. Several places we waiting for the cattle to get out of our way. Being as it was a Saturday they were busy but it was still a fun trip.

Am hoping there will be more to show next week. In the meantime

1 comment:

  1. Cute blocks!!! Enjoy your spring - how fun to have to wait for the cattle ;-)


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