Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Design Wall Monday - May 30, 2016

It has been quite a while since I last posted, way back the beginning of March! A lot has been happening but not much in the way of sewing! We are starting the last remodel in another week- the entire upstairs. Yes, it does include my sewing area. I have been packing up, sorting, tossing, donating the past month in between other happenings. This Tuesday, the movers will be removing all the furniture and a lot of boxes, taking it to storage for about 2 months. We will be spending most of the time in a motel again like last year and yes, a machine will be going with me. As I have been going through my "stuff" I have been keeping out easy (?) patterns etc out for just such occasion!

I do have 2 completions to show before they get put away!
                                          Charmed Star
                        My Tri Fecta Block of the Month from 2015

                  We have had lots of rain and my flowers have been                                                         loving it.
            When out on our porch we have a wonderful
                                  Gardenia   fragrance
                                          Single Gardenia
                             My Ginger plants have sprouted

          In Taiwan we had Angel Trumpets. Have found that I can                                                   raise them here                 
White Angel Trumpet Flowers

 Yellow Angel Trumpet Flowers
White Calla Lily 
                                           Pink Calla Lily

              Once we start our remodel and this will finish the inside of the house! I will try and update a little more often. Basically we are gutting the 2 baths upstairs, of course fresh coats of paint. Yes, off with the wall paper. Tearing out all the carpet and replacing it with the same wood floor we put in the living room and master bedroom last year. That also means redoing the steps that go to the upstairs. Windows will all get shutters. After this the entire inside will have a make over.

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  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...