Monday, March 7, 2016

Design Wall Monday-March 7, 2016

It has been a few weeks since I last posted. We have been busy since getting back from our shortened trip. And yes, I even managed a little bonding time with my sewing machine!

One yahoo group I am a member of-quilted with love- is making 12 inch finished stars to be put together later in the year for Quilts for Kids. The first one-primary colors. Mine is that!
The next-orange and white
Hope to get a few more made of both before sending them off to the person putting them together.

The March BOM was posted on the quilters who care group.
I am making these in Red/white and blue for the thank you quilters. Their quilts go to Fort Hood.

We all know as quilters that when we cut fabric, sew it back together into the pattern we want there are always scraps. And generally we think we need to keep just about every piece. Several of us decided to do a quilt a long using Bonnie Hunter's Pineapple Blossom instructions. (Pineapple Blossom ) If you follow her blog you know scrappy is good! Some of the people are using all batik fabrics, others civil war, another one is using shirtings. Mine is all scrappy except for the background. Using yardage for that.
The first 12 blocks. Not sure how many I will make.Probably until I run out of the background. I know I will not run out of scraps!

I turned another year older this past week. Friends met us at the Oasis on Lake Travis for dinner. Beautiful evening, sat outside on one of their many decks, watched the sunset of the lake and had a good meal. It was a nice relaxing time.
All in all a great evening.

Not sure how much sewing time this coming week. Busy week a head and a lot to do in the house. With that said,

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