Monday, October 26, 2015

Design Wall Monday-October 26, 2015

Very little sewing around here the past few months. My Dad has been in and out of the hospital and skilled nursing. He is in skilled nursing right now trying to get some strength back. In early Sept. he was in with pneumonia for 12 days, then back in the following week with too much fluid on his lungs. He is doing better, but each time he starts rehabbing he is starting from a lower point. We did celebrate his 98th birthday on the 17th with a small party there. 

Galen and I took off for a few days and went to South Padre Island. left on the 18th and got home ahead of the rain here on the 23rd. Did have some pretty miserable driving though on Friday. For once though it was raining enough that just about everyone wasn't trying to drive the speed limit which is 80 or 85 depending on where you are. It was pretty much slow and steady at 45-50!  

On my design wall are 64 of my Trifecta blocks. 66 are finished and the last 6 have been cut for a few weeks now. Hoping to get them sewn this week. Then I will head over to Cotton Cupboard and put them up on her wall to get a lay out!  It is definitely colorful. And yes, all batiks! Think I will keep this one.

Hopefully there will be more sewing getting done over the next few weeks.

Back to Patchworktimes for a little eye candy!

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