Monday, August 10, 2015

Design Wall Monday-August 10, 2015

It has been awhile since I have posted anything on my blog. Late June things went downhill for a while. Dad was in the hospital, we had our furniture delivered from storage as the wood floor was installed. We spent our time unpacking when not at the hospital and also still having work done in the house. Dad went to rehab to get his strength back. He was there for 2 weeks.  We got him out early. They weren't helping him and they were happy to get rid of my husband. He was asking to many questions. They were more interested in collecting the insurance money than getting Dad stronger so he could go back to his apartment. Once he was back to his home with Home healthcare PT people etc he improved rapidly and was walking to the dining room by himself with his walker. He did so well that on July 31 he and my husband left for the Final Muster of the 4th Division WWII Association Reunion at Camp LeJeune. With 10 days to myself I actually got to sew. First time in about 6 weeks!!!!

The first 2 quilts made using the tutorial from Missouri Star Chevron using layer cakes. I had made the blocks when we were staying at the motel. 

 The strip quilt I had the strips together but couldn't decide on a border. It doesn't have a name so I am calling it Dots and Dashes. That was suggested by a friend. It is made with a jelly roll . Strips are cut 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 inches and  4 patches
                      These quilts are ready to go to my quilter.

              I did make one other one but can not show a picture yet.                                                     It's a gift.

                    Play time is over. The guys get home today!

Linking up with Patchworktimes

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...