Thursday, April 23, 2015


Week 2 is just about finished.

                             We started the week getting some insulation put up between the
studs at the shower where the termites had been feasting.
New wallboard has been installed. The vanities will be a little smaller.We enlarged one closet which meant we had to enlarge the other one so the angles would line up. They didn't to begin with.

The plant shelves or dust shelves have disappeared. 
A new vent is now in the ceiling over the shower

Another view-from the master bedroom.

View into the master bedroom. Under the blanket is our ATT-U Verse set up, trying to keep it dust free!

The seat in our new shower!
Gettng ready to texture the walls.

2 new doors for our closets. These are wider than the old ones.
The should get the texturing done tomorrow (Friday) I think next week will be a slow week for work. Need to get the cabinets made. Not a problem-have plenty to do and the girls will be happy to have the backyard to themselves.

We did take off yesterday, picked up Dad and went out to the Hill Country. Will write a little bit about that next time!

Thursday, April 16, 2015


We decided earlier this year  it was time to have the master bath redone! Back to the same people we used last year for the kitchen-Saber Concepts in Georgetown, TX. Of course since we are doing the bath we might as well get our bedroom done. And if we are tearing out that carpet and putting down wood we should do the rest of the floor in the downstairs. But then the downstairs is done and it will be worth it. On Monday we had movers here to pack up and move the furniture and put it into storage for a couple of months.
That was Monday, on Tuesday the demolition started.
These are before pictures so you get an idea.

This is  as of Tuesday evening.

Unpleasant surprise-termites behind the shower tile. They are now taken care of!

Bath tub is gone!
The next pictures are from Wednesday
Framing for new shower and some new studs in the wall

Closets being reconfigured
They should pretty much have the framing all done today. Plumbers on 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Design wall Monday April 6, 2015

I realized that I did not post last Monday so I will show you the fabric box I made. Same pattern as all the others. It's easy and quick!

  I have made several of these and keep giving them away! 
And yes, I keep saying I need to make one or two for me!

Have been busy trying to get things ready here for our remodel and also get Dad ready for his move. Crunch time now-he moves on the 10th and we have movers here on the 13th to pack and put things in storage for us for about 2 months. However I try to take a little time off to look at the wildflowers this Spring-especially the Blue Bonnets. They are really plentiful this year in some areas.
These were taken on Saturday in the fields near us.

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...