Sunday, June 30, 2013

Stash Report-week 26, 2013

Took this picture early June.  The sunset even more colorful but we were driving and couldn't pull over right away.
My June has been taken up with computer problems, dental appointments, house fixes  and making a concerted effort in trying to get some much needed cleaning and organizing accomplished!  I have done very little sewing, at least nothing where I can take credit in using stash.
One of our local LQS is doing a top of the month club.  Each month you take the top back in on a certain day, you get the pattern and fabric for the next month at a reduced cost.  The 11th month is free if you keep it up.  They are simple patterns and easy to make.  It's been fun so far. So my purchases and fabric used are from that.  Cotton Cupboard

I am not including the fabric I have donated so far. Yards and yards with more to go!!!!!

Used this Month                  3.5        yards
Used to date:                    89.205     yards
Added this Month:               5.75      yards
Added Year to Date:        22.65        yards
Net used year to Date:     66.555

I know it is definitely better than previous years where I more was coming in than going out! But I do need to get back to sewing more. If my knee cooperates more in the next two weeks (going up and down the steps) I should have things in control!  back to Patchworktimes

1 comment:

  1. Bring that sewing machine to you if you can't get to it. Sounds like it would be much more fun than what June has brought you :(. Still positive on using your stash...a good thing! Sandi


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