Monday, December 3, 2012

Design Wall Monday 12/3/2012

It's not really on the design wall but it is a finished quilt using the August quiltathon pattern from So I am going to show it here!To go back to Judy's blog and see what others are doing

Wedding/Christms quilt gift!

Today was a busy day, taking Dad places and getting the Christmas wreathes out of storage.  I did take my quilt with me this morning so my freinds at Honey Bee could hold it for me while I took pictures. It's too big for DH to hold.  This is the one and only Christmas present I made this year.  Actually it's a combined and long overdue wedding gift.  A little like the crocheted bedspread that my Mother started when I was 7 for when I got married.  I married at 23 and we got it for Christmas 5 years later. This quilt is only 2 years late, so who's counting!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Maybe I have my Mother's green thumb after all.  We always had a Christmas Cactus at home, and it would bloom this time of the year.  I was never able to get the right conditions after we moved to TX in '99.  I bought this last year and was hoping I could keep it going.  It was in the house for about a month last winter, but once the weather turned mild it went outside on the back porch.  It gets filtered sun, not the real hot direct Texas sun and we had enough rain over the summer that the birds didn't eat all the leaves for water.  Or maybe having 2 big bird baths and a fountain where they can drink also helped. I was always checking to see if it needed to go back into the house. This is our porch Christmas decoration!

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...